以太坊創辦人「V神」Vitalik 將於 ETHTaipei 擔任 Keynote Speaker

ETHTaipei 台北以太坊開發者大會,將於 4 月 21 日至 4 月 25 日在南港瓶蓋工廠舉辦,邀請眾多國際知名開發者與團隊參與。以太坊創辦人 Vitalik Buterin 也將作為開幕嘉賓,分享最新的區塊鏈未來趨勢,預計將吸引超過 800 人次參加。

活動共計五天,包括三天的黑客松和兩天的研討會,由 Gnosis Chain 擔任 Title Sponsor。主題將圍繞 Ethereum、ZK、DeFi 和Security 等,為台灣與國際開發者提供最直接的交流機會。


這次的 ETHTaipei 將會有眾多重量級的嘉賓出席,其中最受矚目的就是以太坊創辦人 Vitalik Buterin,他將在論壇第一天(4/24)擔任開場 Keynote Speaker,分享他對區塊鏈以及以太坊未來的遠景與展望,並透過直播與聽眾進行提問和交流。

近期以太坊上海升級預計於 4 月中完成,這將有助於提升以太坊網路的性能和擴展性。在ETHTaipei上,V神將有機會分享更多關於以太坊未來的長期藍圖,以及對整個區塊鏈生態系統發展的看法。這將對於區塊鏈技術愛好者以及開發者來說,是一次寶貴的學習與啟發機會。

Tenderly, Nethermind 最新技術工作坊

除了豪華講者陣容外,ETHTaipei 亦把握難得機會,邀請國際知名團隊帶領工作坊,讓參與工作坊的學員能深入學習最新的工具與技術。

包含知名以太坊交易分析平台 Tenderly 準備的「War Room」,讓參與者模擬並學習在駭客攻擊時,如何在時間壓力下找尋漏洞並止損,另有知名客戶端團隊 Nethermind,將與開發者分享自家開發的Solidity-to-Cairo Transpiler 轉譯器的原理與使用流程,以及頂尖審計公司 Trail of Bits 親自教學,如何透過 Fuzzer 找出安全漏洞。

除此之外,還有 ZK、Beacon Chain Client 等主題工作坊,讓開發者技術都能更上一層樓。

ETHTaipei 活動資訊

時間:2023/4/21(五)~ 4/25(二)




ETHTaipei, the highly anticipated Taipei Ethereum Developer Conference, with Gnosis Chain as the title sponsor, is set to take place at the POPOP Taipei from April 21-25, attracting numerous renowned international developers and teams to participate. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin will be the keynote speaker sharing the latest technology in blockchain and is expected to attract over 800 participants.

The five-day event will include a three-day hackathon and a two-day conference. Topics will center around Ethereum, ZK, DeFi, and Security, providing Taiwanese and international developers with the most direct communication opportunities.

Vitalik to Share Ethereum’s Roadmap

ETHTaipei is hosting many high-profile speakers and guests, with Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin being the most anticipated. On the first day of the conference (April 24th), he will serve as the opening keynote speaker, sharing his vision and outlook for the future of blockchain and Ethereum, and engaging in Q&A through a livestream with the audience.

The recent Ethereum Shanghai upgrade is expected to be completed by mid-April, which will help improve the performance and scalability of the Ethereum network. At ETHTaipei, Vitalik will have the opportunity to share more about Ethereum’s long-term roadmap and his views on the development of the entire blockchain ecosystem. This will be a valuable learning and inspirational opportunity for blockchain technology enthusiasts and developers.

Tenderly, Nethermind to Lead Cutting-Edge Technical Workshops

In addition to the stellar lineup of speakers, ETHTaipei will also seize the opportunity to invite internationally renowned teams to lead workshops, allowing participants to delve into the latest tools and techniques.

Workshops will include the “War Room” prepared by the well-known Ethereum transaction analysis platform Tenderly, where participants can simulate and learn how to find vulnerabilities and mitigate losses under time pressure during hacker attacks. Additionally, the renowned client team Nethermind will share the mechanism and usage of their in-house developed Solidity-to-Cairo Transpiler. Top-tier auditing firm Trail of Bits will also be hosting a workshop on how to use Fuzzer to find security vulnerabilities.

Moreover, workshops on ZK and Beacon Chain Client will be held, allowing developers to elevate their technical skills.


ETHTaipei Event Information

Date: April 21-25, 2023

Venue: POPOP Taipei, Taiwan

Tickets and event information: https://ethtaipei.org/


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