上週,自稱比特幣創始人中本聰(Satoshi Nakamoto)的 Craig Wright 與開創閃電網絡火炬活動(Lightning Network Torch)的比特幣愛好者 Hodlonaut 發生了爭執。
Craig Wright 與他的加拿大企業家伙伴及 《Coingeek》總裁 Calvin Ayre 嘗試控告 Hodlonaut,而 Calvin Ayre 會給予能提供有關 Hodlonaut 情報的人五千美元獎賞。
此事件其後演變成加密貨幣社群間的衝突,不少社群成員對於身為比特幣 Satoshi’s Vision (BSV) 陣營的 Wright & Co 公司所作出的法律行為感到不滿。
最後,幣安(Binance)行政總裁趙長鵬亦參與討論,並聲明如果再發生同樣的行為,他們將下架 BSV。
數日後,Peter McCormack 也收到了一封與 Hodlonaut 類似的律師信,Calvin Arye 亦準備控告 Peter McCormack,只因他上周在推特上直接聲討 Calvin Ayre 和 Craig Wright,稱後者為騙子,並貼出了自己的商業地址稱無懼法律手段。
Master piece! You have my full support, Peter.
To be clear, I don't choose sides on technology. We let market do that. I am against fraud, such as lying to be someone. As such, it is my strong opinion that:
Craig Wright is fraud. https://t.co/f9ihSD6Pr3
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) April 15, 2019
Lastly, anyone who supports BSV from a tech perspective should be attacking the fraudulent Craig Wright, who is poisoning YOUR community, and not attack the rest of the world.
Anyone thinking CW is Satoshi should read about how a private key works, ie, learn about crypto.
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) April 15, 2019
結果,幣安宣佈他們將在本月 22 日下架 BSV。
在該宣佈中,列出了一般下架的理由,當中包括不道德或不誠實行為及質疑 BSV 能否幫助維持健康及可持續的加密貨幣生態。
以太坊創辦人、加密貨幣圈名人 Vitalik Buterin(V神)亦表示他完全同意及強烈贊同下架 BSV 的行動,並且表示將會撰文講解「言論自由」,因為很多人似乎對這個概念有所誤解。
It's possible to agree fully and strongly with this and at the same time fully consistently support #DelistBSV
Maybe I should write a blog post soon on free speech ethics… it's a topic that seems to confuse pretty much everyone.
— Vitalik Non-giver of Ether (@VitalikButerin) April 15, 2019
是次消息公佈後,BSV 價格下跌了超過 20%。然而,幣安並非 BSV 交易量最大的市場,但影響依然可見。