上周,自称比特币创始人中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的 Craig Wright 与开创闪电网络火炬活动(Lightning Network Torch)的比特币爱好者 Hodlonaut 发生了争执。
Craig Wright 与他的加拿大企业家伙伴及 《Coingeek》总裁 Calvin Ayre 尝试控告 Hodlonaut,而 Calvin Ayre 会给予能提供有关 Hodlonaut 情报的人五千美元奖赏。
此事件其后演变成加密货币社群间的冲突,不少社群成员对于身为比特币 Satoshi’s Vision (BSV) 阵营的 Wright & Co 公司所作出的法律行为感到不满。
最后,币安(Binance)行政总裁赵长鹏亦参与讨论,并声明如果再发生同样的行为,他们将下架 BSV。
数日后,Peter McCormack 也收到了一封与 Hodlonaut 类似的律师信,Calvin Arye 亦准备控告 Peter McCormack,只因他上周在推特上直接声讨 Calvin Ayre 和 Craig Wright,称后者为骗子,并贴出了自己的商业地址称无惧法律手段。
Master piece! You have my full support, Peter.
To be clear, I don't choose sides on technology. We let market do that. I am against fraud, such as lying to be someone. As such, it is my strong opinion that:
Craig Wright is fraud. https://t.co/f9ihSD6Pr3
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) April 15, 2019
Lastly, anyone who supports BSV from a tech perspective should be attacking the fraudulent Craig Wright, who is poisoning YOUR community, and not attack the rest of the world.
Anyone thinking CW is Satoshi should read about how a private key works, ie, learn about crypto.
— CZ Binance (@cz_binance) April 15, 2019
结果,币安宣布他们将在本月 22 日下架 BSV。
在该宣布中,列出了一般下架的理由,当中包括不道德或不诚实行为及质疑 BSV 能否帮助维持健康及可持续的加密货币生态。
以太坊创办人、加密货币圈名人 Vitalik Buterin(V神)亦表示他完全同意及强烈赞同下架 BSV 的行动,并且表示将会撰文讲解“言论自由”,因为很多人似乎对这个概念有所误解。
It's possible to agree fully and strongly with this and at the same time fully consistently support #DelistBSV
Maybe I should write a blog post soon on free speech ethics… it's a topic that seems to confuse pretty much everyone.
— Vitalik Non-giver of Ether (@VitalikButerin) April 15, 2019
是次消息公布后,BSV 价格下跌了超过 20%。然而,币安并非 BSV 交易量最大的市场,但影响依然可见。