Tether 風波未解決 Bitfinex 揚言「必能取回資金」「絕不逃跑」

日前,《幣訊》報導紐約總檢察長辦公室指控加密貨幣交易所 Bitfinex 和穩定幣發行商 Tether 非法挪用資金Bitfinex 亦在當天作出回應。加密貨幣市場持續波動,穩定幣  USDT與法幣美元兌換價格亦明顯偏離了一比一,昨日交易所 Kraken 的 USDT/USD 交易對收報 0.971。

Bitfinex 冷錢包轉走大量比特幣惹夾帶私逃疑雲

有讀者表示剛剛的 26 號和 27 號從 Bitfinex 提取加密貨幣到其他錢包時無法提幣。而有人監察到比特幣區塊鏈的大額轉帳,在 26 號下午,Bitfinex 的冷錢包(地址 3D2oetdNuZUqQHPJmcMDDHYoqkyNVsFk9r )在區塊高度 573282 轉移了 17,253.5 個比特幣到另一個錢包(地址 3JZq4atUahhuA9rLhXLMhhTo133J9rF97j,此舉被社群理解為可疑行為,進一步憂慮 Bitifnex 和 Tether 高層或會夾帶私逃。後來幣訊記者找到這些資金大部分在多次轉移後輾轉回到 Bitfinex 的熱錢包(地址 1Kr6QSydW9bFQG1mXiPNNu6WpJGmUa9i1g,並且將資金發回給客戶作提款之用。


直到 27 號下午,Bitfinex 行政總裁 Jean Louis van der Velde 向交易所用戶發電郵,更詳細地回應紐約總檢察長辦公室的指控,並說明 Bitfinex 的法律團隊正在處理事件。

Bitfinex 在信中再一次駁斥有關指控是充滿了錯誤信息和虛假陳述,進一步強調相關指控中的 8.5 億美元資金「沒有失去」,而是在波蘭、葡萄牙、英國和美國等司法管轄區中「被查封和保護。並稱Bitfinex 和 Tether 正在積極努力行使有關權利和進行一切補救措施以取回資金。

Bitfinex 在信中極有信心地表達,他們將以「明確、連貫和有說服力的證據收回這些資金。屆時這將證明紐約總檢察長辦公室的指控是錯誤的。他們未來將繼續與全球監管機構合作,履行法律義務,但強勢地表示不會允許(有關當局人員)利用這種合作精神和善意用來威脅我們的客戶

信件末段 Jean 表示歡迎客戶持續向交易所查詢有關事件進度,他們會盡可能地釋除客戶疑慮。最後重申Bitfinex 面對挑戰時將堅定不移、絕不逃跑」,疑似是回應外界擔憂 Bitfinex 和 Tether 夾帶私逃的傳聞。


Dear Bitfinex trader,

By now, you may be aware of the events of the last 48 hours, but I want to personally give you an update on what has happened and how we are proceeding as a business.

On Wednesday, April 24th, the New York Attorney General’s office filed a petition and related documents in the NY State Supreme Court in Manhattan concerning Bitfinex and Tether. We believe the petition was based on understandings and materials received by the New York Attorney General’s office both from us and from other sources. Indeed, we had, until just yesterday, been co-operating fully with the New York authorities in their inquiries into and about our business. The petition and other materials were filed without notice to us or a chance to respond to them.

The materials, which do not constitute a civil or criminal complaint are, in our view, filled with inaccuracies and false assertions. In particular, we want to assure you that the allegation that we have “lost” $850 million is categorically false. We have been advised that these amounts – whether in whole or in substantial part – are, in fact, seized and safeguarded in several jurisdictions, including Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We are actively working to exercise our rights and remedies to cause those funds to be released. We are confident in our ability to make clear, coherent, and convincing arguments to recover those funds. And rest assured that we will vigorously challenge the false assertions made by the New York Attorney General’s office in their filing.

I am here to tell you that we are good actors in the digital token space, and we always act with you, the customer, as our first priority. We have always taken our legal obligations very seriously, and will continue to do so. We continue to co-operate with regulators worldwide as they seek to learn more about our business. But we will not allow that spirit of co-operation and goodwill to be used to threaten our customers.

In the days ahead, you may have questions that arise, and we encourage you to share them with me or other members of the senior management team. We will update you as and when we can and we will address as many of your concerns and questions as we can.

We have been humbled and encouraged by the support we have seen from our customers and wider community in the face of these allegations. We are here to assure you we’re as strong as ever, we are not going anywhere, and we’re unwaveringly committed to you.


Thanks and best regards,

Jean Louis van der Velde



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