Blockbooster Web3.0 社交元宇宙黑客松—香港 將於 2023 年 4 月 7 日至 9 日舉行

BlockBoosterOKXGitcoin 合作,將在香港大學舉辦 Blockbooster Web3.0 黑客松。首屆活動主題為“走進社交元宇宙”,是一個專注於 Web3 社交應用層的黑客松。本次活動將於 2023 年 4 月 7 日至 9 日在香港大學校園內舉辦,與香港大學 Techno-Entrepenuership Core、亞洲創業及營商價值研究中心、香港大學商學院以及其他香港大學創新部門合作。


BlockBooster 將提供總價值超過 50 萬港幣的獎池給獲勝的創業團隊,以及額外的讚助挑戰獎勵、後續投資機會和孵化機會。該活動將分為三個部分:針對創業者的工作坊、與工作坊並行進行的線上分享討論以及 Demo Day。

OKX 全球機構業務部董事總經理 Lennix Lai 表示:香港注定將開啟新的 Blockchain 敘事,OKX 已經做好了準備。我們很高興與 Blockbooster 一起見證更多富有創意和創新性的 SocialFi 項目誕生。OKX 也期待為他們提供更多支持。

在活動期間,行業領袖將討論 Web3 社交發展趨勢、市場狀況和發展生態等主題。由 Blockbooster 導師們將為創業團隊提供線下線上項目諮詢支持,包括產品市場適應性反饋、市場策略、合約審計等。目標是幫助創業者正確定位產品並加速開發、投入未來路向。在 Demo Day 期間,頂尖行業風險投資公司和交易所將參與評審,幫助創業團隊與投資者和行業資源對接。該活動還將與 Gitcoin 和 Dorahack 合作,促進黑客松主題的項目未來資金匹配。

「通過 Blockbooster 的黑客馬拉松,關鍵的創業者和學生們將聚集在一起,開發創新的區塊鏈產品,並為香港打下Web3中心的基礎,與整個社區和參與者共同前進」—鄭嘉梁,HashKey Capital 研究總監

該黑客鬆的導師委員來自行業各領域,包括去中心化金融機構(DeFi)、分散式自治公司(DAO)、非同質化代幣(NFT)、社交遊戲/公會、安全、智能合約和數據的行業頭部機構,同時也邀請到排名前列的Degen、行業成功的創始人和開發者。黑客松工作坊與研討會將涵蓋 Web3 中的社交內容存儲、鏈上身份及其在社交元宇宙(Socialverse)中的角色、區塊鏈底層技術及其在社交媒體中的應用、風險投資機構角度下的項目可持續性與 Web3 募資考量、孵化社交元宇宙規劃項目進程等專業角度分析。以第一身角度與參會者交流行業創新信息。其中包括 Mask Network 和 Galxe 等領先的 Web3 社交項目團隊分享。

「對於關注的人來說,顯而易見的是香港正在迅速成為 Web3 生態系統的主要中心之一。我們很高興能夠與 Blockbooster 合作,通過 Gitcoin 迄今為止的所有經驗,支持這一願景得以實現。」- Azeem Khan,Gitcoin 合作主管

通過與 20 多個行業領袖和 10 多個本地金融和技術領袖和機構的合作,BlockBooster 旨在在香港建立第一個 Web3 創新開發和項目生態培育中心。該組織旨在與海外和國內 Web3 團隊建立牢固和長期的合作關係,以促進黑客松以及未來的孵化項目可持續發展。與香港大學學生交流碰撞,聯同香港大學孵化選拔一批優質項目。並為頭部項目提供持續的融資、社區、市場、人才輸出等多方面支持。

香港大學亞洲創業及營商價值研究中心、商學院的 Joseph Chan 先生表示:「這是一個令人興奮的平台,我們將見證創造性的以人為本的設計與技術創新相結合。我期待著參與者有影響力的區塊鏈探索,創造價值,促進社區和社會的變革!」

是次導師委員會包括但不限於 Azeem – Gitcoin,Chess – Quest3,段偉 – NextID,Jeff Lu – Hashkey,Johnson – Hooga Gaming,Joshua – RSS3,Jun Hao – Altlayer,KC – Hooga Gaming,Mark – DODO,Meow – Cavis,Mike – Go+,O – SCB10x,Outprog / XiaoJay – EverFinance / AR,Wenqing – KNN3,Xin – EthSign,Yajin – Blocksec,Yisi – Mask,Sam&Li Ni – Avalanche,Conflux。該活動還與 Altlayer、Arweave(EverVision&PermaDAO)、Mask 和NextID 等生態合作夥伴合作。

有關更多資訊,請訪問 BlockBooster 網站或通過 [email protected] 聯繫 BlockBooster 團隊。








BlockBooster, together with OKX, Gitcoin, will host the Blockbooster Web3.0 Hackathon Hong Kong Flagship Series at the University of Hong Kong. The first event, themed as “Into the Socialverse,” will be a genesis hackathon that focuses on the web3 social applications layer. The event will take place from April 7-9, 2023, at the University of Hong Kong campus in collaboration with Techno-Entrepenuership Core, Centre for Asian Entrepreneurship and Business Values and HKU Business School.


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BlockBooster will offer a total prize pool of more than 500k HKD for winning builders with additional sponsored challenge rewards, and follow-up investment opportunities and incubation possibilities. The event will comprise three parts: builder-focused workshops, online panel discussions & project reviews and a Demo Day.


Lennix Lai, Managing Director, Global Institutional, OKX said, “Hong Kong is destined to start a new blockchain narrative, and OKX is ready to meet it. We are excited to see Blockbooster contributing to the inception of more creative and innovative SocialFi projects. OKX looks forward to providing them with more support going forward.”


During the workshops, industry leaders will discuss topics such as Web3 Social development trends, market status, and development ecology. The hackathon, led by Blockbooster mentors, will provide teams with advisory support over three days online and offline, including feedback on product-market fit, market strategy, contract auditing, and more. The event aim to help entrepreneurs position their products correctly and speed up project development runway. During Demo Day, top industry VCs and exchanges will participate to help project builders connect with investors and industry resources. The event will also collaborate with Gitcoin and Dorahacks to accelerate match funding on hackathon theme.


“For anyone who’s paying attention it’s evident that Hong Kong is quickly becoming one of the main centers of the web3 ecosystem. We’re thrilled to partner with Blockbooster on supporting this vision come to life through all the learnings from Gitcoin thus far, “Azeem Khan, Head of Impact, Gitcoin


The mentor committee comes from a diverse panel of industry-leading experts, including top-ranked degens, successful founders, and builders in the fields of Defi, governance, NFT, Game/Guild, Security, Smart Contract, and Data. Workshops will feature leading Web3 social projects such as Mask Network and Galxe.


“With Blockbooster’s hackathon, key builders and contributors will come together to develop innovative blockchain products and lay the foundation for HK to move into the Web3 Hub together with whole communities and participants.” Jupiter Zheng, Research Director, HashKey Capital


Through partnerships with 20+ industry leaders and 10+ local financial and technological leaders and institutions, BlockBooster aims to establish the first Web3 innovation development and project ecology cultivation center in Hong Kong. The organization aims to establish strong and long-term collaborations with overseas and domestic media to promote the Hackathon as well as future Hackathon series.


Mr. Joseph Chan from Centre for Asian Entrepreneurship and Business Values, HKU Business School expressed, “This is an exciting platform where we will witness creative human-centric design meets technology innovation. I look forward to participants’ impactful blockchain exploration creating value and facilitating change in the community and the society!”


The mentor committee includes, Azeem – Gitcoin,Chess – Quest3,段伟 – NextID, Jeff Lu – Hashkey, Johnson – Hooga Gaming, Joshua – RSS3, Jun Hao – Altlayer, KC – Hooga Gaming, Mark – DODO, Meow – Cavis, Mike – Go+, O – SCB10x, Outprog / XiaoJay – EverFinance / AR, Wenqing – KNN3, Xin – EthSign, Yajin – Blocksec, Yisi – Mask, Sam&Li Ni – Avalanche, Conflux. The event also invited ecosystem partners such as Altlayer, Arweave (EverVision&PermaDAO), Mask and NextID.


BlockBooster is excited to bring together top developers and projects to converge in Hong Kong and collaborate. Drawing on successful incubation experiences guided by degen mentors, the organization will establish a streamlined and sustainable development ecosystem to provide projects for its partners and the industry.


For more information, visit the BlockBooster website or contact the BlockBooster team at [email protected].


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